The Third Album is on its Way...

Hey there!


It’s Catavelly Meowisson.


I mean, it’s Trashavelly Maggotson. Errr…it’s Splashavelly, More Sun!


No, it’s Cashavillain Mausoleum.


Good news! The third album is exiting the ether and will soon be a tangible object that you can hold, cook with, snorkel with, rock climb, parachute, or any other Covid-safe activity like my favs—not cleaning up, ignoring emails, and showering a second time because I ate too much bread again.


I am enamored with my band (Ryan MacLeod, Luke Payne, John Ray, Kevin Beck, and Chaisaray) and all the heart they put into this album during our week at Echo Mountain Studios in Asheville, NC last month. Even while masked, we managed to watch Roadhouse at the band house and practice our round house kicks like only the Swayze can inspire. Check out these photos our bassist John Ray took with a REAL camera!


We are in the mixing process now, and there’s still a whole shit ton of work to do. I’ve got a big, top-secret surprise too that I’ve been working on all summer to accompany this album. Expect all these goodies in early 2021, when we will have saved our republic by VOTING and VOTING EARLY in November!


I hope this album will bring you love in the vulnerable, tender way that only music can. Thank you for showing your need for music, loving music, and supporting musicians! If you have the means, reach out to a local musician you love and offer a few buckaroos.


Sending love and safety to you and your favorite people,






Watch our Livestream Show at The Ramkat 5/17/20