METAMORPHOSIS has arrived!
Dear creatures,
Find the new album METAMORPHOSIS on all digital platforms today.
I’d like to tell you, this album began with the aftermath of the #metoo movement. I began to feel like all my solace in finger-pointing men was a betrayal to the innocence I could see so clearly in my own son. I was awakened and softened by the fact that men are suffering too. I know that when I have been my most powerless, most in pain, limited by beliefs, roles, and expectations, and abandoned with no guidance and no grace, I have witnessed my own harshness…and loneliness. Hurt people hurt people, and we unconsciously dress Fear in Power’s clothes because the ego, when out of balance with the soul, will stop at nothing to preserve itself. But, as we’ve seen, anything acting as a surrogate for authentic power must be constantly fed, and in time will eat itself alive, destroying all in its wake.
I’ve learned over this journey that what provokes me or upsets me in someone else is what I am repressing in myself. My anger toward men pointed me to the fact that I had outcast whole parts of myself. I realized I had an inner man I had severely judged, abused, and abandoned. How could I truly love if there were parts of myself I could not love? I was activated to resurrect these inner parts, what I began to see as the inner man…that also lead me to the inner woman…and then finally to the beyond, to a genderless form…a wild, nameless creature made gloriously from the environment where it evolved, from the Spirit from which it was first envisioned.
This album, and the subsequent feature film, is about this journey…the meeting and marriage of the inner lovers in equal power and vulnerability; the resurrection of the raw innocence that knows what it loves, what it longs for, what its purpose is; the descent into the freedom of humility—that we are each both significant and insignificant in a larger interconnected story of constant co-creation and co-destruction, to be remade again and again. This album is the calling, the severance, and the threshold we all must cross to live a soul-driven life…a life in which the ego, so hell-bent on protecting us, becomes a dear friend in service to this inner calling, to this larger story, to transcendent Love—the Love that can hold nuances, paradoxes, the villain in every hero, the hero in every villain, and the parts of ourselves longing to be forgiven, loved, resurrected.
Compassionately yours forever,
Photo by Heather Evans Smith