New releases, film screening, shows, press...
Many things happening! We had a beautiful release show on July 30th at The Ramkat. Thank you to all who came out. It was a spiritual homecoming for me and felt so full of love and gratitude. I’ve missed being with people. This album was made in service to something beyond me and I hope it will be a comfort, a tether, a friend to anyone going through the dark forest of life transitions. It drops October 1st on all digital streaming sites. Go here to purchase CDs or Vinyl.
Please join us for a free film screening of the film Metamorphosis set to my album of the same name on Monday, September 27th at 7pm at a/perture cinema in Winston-Salem, NC. The film has won Best Experimental Film and Best Music Video in the LA Independent Film Awards, and won Best Music Video in the Montreal Independent Film Festival. It is an Official Selection of the Toronto International Women Film Festival, the Berlin Art Film Festival, and was named a semi-finalist in the Rhode Island International Film Festival. The world premiere will be at a later date.
Find our first 2 singles “Metamorphosis” and “Match Me” from the new album on all digital streaming sites now. Check out the reviews and premieres:
"Local Artist Celebrates New Album - Relish, Winston-Salem Journal
Buzz Music in Los Angeles Premieres “Match Me” Single
Come see us at Upcoming Shows!
Saturday, September 18 at 6pm - An intimate Show at The Arts Place of Stokes County, Danbury, NC
Saturday, October 2 at 3:45pm - Bailey Park
Friday, January 14 at 8pm - Motorco Music Hall, Durham, NC
Look out for more shows to be announced soon.
Live Show Photos by Allison Lee Isley
Other photos by Heather Evan Smith
Film Poster by Krist Norsworthy