News Cashavelly Morrison News Cashavelly Morrison

Huffington Post Reviews The Kingdom Belongs to a Child

"...she combines the agony of loss with her deeply held values to create an Americana classic that oozes with the blood of her Southern heritage."

Deep in the bowels of a coal-mining town in West Virginia, a young girl named Melissa knew she was destined for a life on the stage. Her first taste of performance art was at the age of three when she began her career in ballet which spanned for two decades until a spinal injury ended her dancing days. Though she would no longer feel the pinch of pointe shoes on the Marley floor, her days on the stage were far from over...

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News Cashavelly Morrison News Cashavelly Morrison

No Depression Review of The Kingdom Belongs to a Child by Rachel C

"...a remarkable pearl."

"Morrison's voice is nothing less than captivating, and her light touch avoids the maudlin while sending chills up your spine. The Kingdom Belongs to a Child is beautiful, probably one of the most thoughtful, delicate, and elegant albums I've written about here. You owe it to yourself to give it a spin."

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News Cashavelly Morrison News Cashavelly Morrison

Bearded Magazine Reviews The Kingdom Belongs To A Child

"....built along the distinctly human strains of Bon Iver with the story telling moxie of more seasoned artists like Loretta Lynn."

"You’re not far into Kingdom before you realize that Morrison isn’t just an accomplished artist; she’s in control of her craft, eschewing the temptation to gray her songs. Instead she infuses each of them with a singularity, a voice and often, a challenge, which makes this collection of songs so much greater than just an ordinary object of beauty."

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News Cashavelly Morrison News Cashavelly Morrison

Famous Last Words Reviews The Kingdom Belongs To A Child

"There are personal and external issues at stake when it comes to the debut album from Cashavelly Morrison. With the title of ‘The Kingdom Belongs To A Child’ playing a significant role here, the album explores issues of loss whether relating directly to this songstress or reflecting upon those around her, as well as tackling issues of a sociological and political nature relating to inequality and empowering women for example. It’s powerful, emotive stuff that really deserves to be heard."

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News Cashavelly Morrison News Cashavelly Morrison

Blogcritics Reviews The Kingdom Belongs to a Child

"Cashavelly Morrison’s debut album, The Kingdom Belongs to a Child, is a collection of songs exploring the deeper side of the human experience. The journey she takes listeners on was born out of Morrison’s own painful experiences, which lend each track a level of authenticity that captures from the very first moments of the album. That Morrison channels her pain in the most constructive of ways—speaking up not only on behalf of those who suffered as she did, but also in the name of those suffering the consequence of social injustices such as police brutality and mining accidents—would already be inspiring in itself even if the resulting album wasn’t as beautiful as this one. "

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News Cashavelly Morrison News Cashavelly Morrison

Indiemunity reviewed The Kingdom Belongs to a Child

" “Classic” is a term in music that reflects past efforts that ultimately showed a new area of music that had never been explored before. That is until everyone afterwards started to imitate and place within their own arrangements, hoping to guarantee a select spot within a section of history. On one hand Cashavelly Morrison offers us a proposition with this album The Kingdom Belongs to a Child.... " 

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